It's that time of year. I'm in trouble and here's why:
I order mine from my niece, Abby, who lives in Ohio. I can't remember if I ordered 8 boxes, or 10 boxes, but who's counting? Of course that means I have to wait until I visit her, or she visits me, to get my cookies. The problem with that is my Girl Scout Cookie craving officially started last Thursday, with no cookie booths in sight. So what's a Thin Mint-starved person to do? Well, on that same Thursday my daughter came home to report the most amazing sight. Drive-thru Girl Scout Cookie sales! And it's right on the road I take home from work! They have a circular drive, so you can just pull through, order your cookies from a cute little girl and her mom, and pay right there. What a genius idea! Now I can satisfy my craving without even getting out of my car.
Of course this is not a good thing. I don't know about you, but I can eat a whole sleeve in one sitting. I counted, and that's 16 cookies and 640 calories. I've never chowed down a whole box at once, but you can do the math--1280 calories. Which brings me to this question: "Thin" Mints? Kind of ironic, huh?
Did any of you sell Girl Scout Cookies when you were young? I did, and my daughters did too. I went to the Girl Scouts website to do a little research, and discovered that cookie sales started as early as 1917. Only back then, the cookies were baked at home by the girls, with their mothers' help. Yes, moms were involved even back in those days! If you want to read more about the history of Girl Scout Cookies you can follow this link:
I'm down to half a box now, and no visits with Abby in the near future. I think it's time for another visit to the drive-thru. Too bad they're not open 24 hours.